Allison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Allison, Pa 15413 Pastor Mike Peton
Phone: 724-785-8810
Acolyte - Stephanie McCormick Chairperson
Audit Committee - Shelley Williams, Lana Konopka
Christian Education - Denise Marker Chairperson
Church Secretary - Lori Rosneck
Diaconate - Jennie Peton Chairperson
Evangelism - Charlotte Hughes Chairperson
Membership - Shelley Williams Chairperson
Memorial Fund
Outreach - Jean Arnold Chairperson
Pastoral Relations - Bob Peton Chairperson
Property - Rick Marker Chairperson
Social Life - Chuck & Stephanie McCormick Chairperson
Stewartship/Finance - Bob Peton Chairperson
Treasurer - Bill Hughes
Worship Committee - Susan Toth Chairperson
New Youth Ministry - Denise Marker Chairperson
By humility and the fear of the LORD
are riches, and honor and life.
Proverbs 22:4